Joseph Murray
Joe Murray, MSHR, is currently Director of University Advising Services for Florida Atlantic University. Prior to joining the FAU team, Joe served as the Director for Academic Advising and Retention Services at Miami (OH) University’s Hamilton Campus for 22 years. He earned both a Bachelor of Science in Engineering and a Master of Science in Human Resource Management degrees from Purdue University. He has helped to develop and refine the Appreciative Advising Inventory and has been part of a national task force aimed at advancing the concept of Appreciative Advising. In addition to teaching the Appreciative model to professional and faculty advisors, Joe has provided multiple training workshops and retreats to teach the model from a customer service and employee management perspective. Joe has adopted the framework to all offices across campus. Examples include Financial Aid, Admissions, Registration, Student Recruitment, International Student Services, Residence Life including the student RA’s, Library support personnel, Disability Services, Student Ambassadors and other student groups, Testing, Career services, and Student Life. Joe specializes in supporting and encouraging cultural change within higher education institutions. Most recently, he served on the faculty for the 2011- 2015 Appreciative Advising Institutes. He is a certified Appreciative Adviser.